Learning and Practice Note: ‘Peace’ in the Humanitarian-Development-Peacebuilding Nexus

What are strategies civil society organisations can take to integrate bottom-up peacebuilding across the humanitarian-development-peace HDP Nexus to strengthen outcomes of humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding programming?

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in collaboration with Conducive Space for Peace (CSP) under the Danish Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Network (CPPB) published a learning & practice note on Peace in the humanitarian-development-peace Nexus. Consultants from the Collaborative for Development Action (CDA) produced the note based on a desk review, stakeholder interviews and a consultation workshop to solicit feedback and gather additional insights, including from partners in the Sahel.

The note shares programmatic guidance on bottom-up peacebuilding and elaborates on peace for humanitarian and development actors in their conflict sensitivity approaches, underlining the benefits of integrating peacebuilding approaches into and alongside humanitarian and development actions.

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