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Annual Report 2023

Conducive Space for Peace (CSP) is a Danish civil society organisation established at a constitutive general meeting in November 2016 and was registered as a non-profit association with The Danish Business Authority on 1 January 2019. The organisation had existed in various forms and phases up to the end of 2018, when it became an independent non-governmental organisation. Based on a request from CSP’s management, the Board decided to change the management structure as of 1 January 2023 to consist of two Co-Directors, one responsible for “Strategy, Innovation, Finance” and the other for “Organisational Leadership”. The former remains overall responsible to CSP’s Board with regards to all regulatory requirements. Furthermore, in 2022, in connection with the change in the management structure , the articles of association were reviewed by a lawyer and a few minor changes were made to the decision-making structures, including the approval of the annual accounts and elections to the Board to take place at the general meeting.

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Årsberetning 2023

Conducive Space for Peace (CSP) er en dansk civilsamfundsorganisation, der er etableret på en stiftende generalforsamling i november 2016 og blev registreret som en almennyttig forening hos Erhvervsstyrelsen per 1. januar 2019. Organisationen har eksisteret i forskellige former og faser frem til slutningen af 2018, hvor den fik sin endelige form som en selvstændig organisation. I forbindelse med ændring af ledelsesstrukturen i CSP i 2022 blev vedtægterne gennemgået af en advokat, og der blev gennemført en række mindre ændringer i beslutningsstrukturerne for CSP, herunder at godkendelse af årsregnskab og valg til bestyrelsen nu sker på generalforsamlingen. Desuden besluttede bestyrelsen, på baggrund af anmodning fra CSPs ledelse at ændre ledelsesstrukturen, så den per 1. januar 2023 består af to Co-Directors, den ene med ansvar for ”Strategy, Innovation, Finance” og den anden med ansvar for ”Organisational leadership”. Førstnævnte forbliver overordnet ansvarlig overfor CSPs bestyrelse, hvad angår alle myndighedskrav.

Strategy Extended

Strategic Framework 2024 – 2026 – Extended Version

The strategic framework (2024–2026) guides and informs how CSP will work to influence systems change in the peacebuilding and broader aid infrastructure over the next three years. In particular, it outlines how we can collectively move beyond piecemeal innovations that address systemic dysfunctions and towards a more radical shift in who holds the power to drive change and set the conditions within which these changes can happen. This requires a radical rethink and greater focus on developing future infrastructures and spaces that are more relevant and equitable for collaborating on peacebuilding locally and globally.

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Strategic Framework 2024 – 2026

The strategic framework (2024–2026) guides and informs how CSP will work to influence systems change in the peacebuilding and broader aid infrastructure over the next three years. In particular, it outlines how we can collectively move beyond piecemeal innovations that address systemic dysfunctions and towards a more radical shift in who holds the power to drive change and set the conditions within which these changes can happen. This requires a radical rethink and greater focus on developing future infrastructures and spaces that are more relevant and equitable for collaborating on peacebuilding locally and globally.

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Challenges and Opportunities in International Support to Local Civil Society

Drawing upon the experiences and perspectives of primarily local civil society organisations, activists and their international counterparts, the report provides lessons and recommendations for supporting effective and sustainable peacebuilding and development. The report also contributes to ongoing discussions on localisation and decolonisation agendas, working to achieve a fairer distribution of power and advancing local leadership, thereby fostering more equitable partnerships and solidarity in international aid.